2020 Aikido Summit Postponed

Update 3/20/2021:

Save the date! September 11, 2021. We look forward to hosting the summit and will honor registrations that have already paid for the event. Stay tuned for more to come.

Update 3/19/2020:

We are working with our incredible lineup of instructors and the Denver Buddhist Temple to identify an alternate weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Aikido Summit and will announce the new date as soon as possible.

Refunds are available by request; for those of you who have already registered and are willing to keep your registration for the future dates, we greatly appreciate that and we are working to arrange a bonus training session in recognition of the disruption this has caused. If not, we fully understand given the current situation, so please contact us here or at denveraikikai@comcast.com.

Update 3/16/2020:

In light of the recent developments with COVID-19 and the ban on large group gatherings, we have no choice but to postpone the 20th Aikido Summit, March 27 & 28, 2020 at the Denver Buddhist Temple.  We are working with all the wonderful instructors and the Denver Buddhist Temple to identify the best possible dates to reschedule the Summit. Denver Aikikai will continue to do its utmost to provide you with a safe, secure and successful Aikido Summit at the earliest date possible.  We appreciate your patience during these unprecedented times created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

We understand that you may also have several questions for us.  We need some time to create solutions and develop our plan for moving forward. We will gladly share those details with you as soon as we have them. Please watch this page or connect with us on Facebook for those details.

Be safe and take care. We look forward to seeing you at the 20th Aikido Summit when we reconvene later this year. 

Denver Aikikai

Denver Aikido Summit 20th Anniversary – TBD Spring 2022

Due to rising concerns about the Delta variant in our community, we are sadly postponing the 20th Anniversary seminar once again. We are hoping the world will be in a place where we can host this event in late March or early April of 2022. Stay tuned!

Final instructor lineup is still being determined, but will include some or all of the following (the original list from 2020):

  • Laurie Nusbaum Sensei – Boulder Aikikai
  • Tres Hofmeister Sensei – Boulder Aikikai
  • Cyndy Hayashi Sensei – Aikido West
  • Susan Chandler Sensei – Denver Ki Aikido
  • Abel Villacorta Sensei – Boulder Ki Aikido
  • Russ Smith Sensei – Rocky Mountain Ki Society
  • Kei Izawa Sensei – Aikikai Tanshinjuku
  • Ron Abo Sensei – DBT Aikido
  • Mike Jones Sensei – Roaring Fork Aikikai
  • Edgar Johansson Sensei – Denver Aikikai
  • Kimberly Richardson Sensei – Two Cranes Aikido
  • Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei – Boulder Aikikai


Deposits received for the original dates in March 2020 will be honored.
More details on cost and registration coming soon.


The Denver Buddhist Temple is located at 1947 Lawrence (corner of 20th & Lawrence). Please bring your weapons.

Michael Friedl Shihan – December 13 – 14, 2019


Friday, December 13: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Saturday, December 14: 10:30am – 12:30pm and 2:00pm – 4:00pm


Full seminar: $95

Individual Classes: $40

Michael Friedl Shihan (7th Dan) is founder and chief instructor of Aikido of Ashland. He is Division Head for Division 2 of the California Aikido Association. He is also a previous President of the California Aikido Association.

Friedl Shihan began his Aikido training in 1972 under Clyde Takeguchi Shihan. He became uchi deshi for Takeguchi Sensei from 1975-1977. He was also uchi deshi for Saito Shihan in Iwama, Japan from 1981-1983. In Iwama he studied weapons intensely and the Iwama style of weapons remains a strong influence in his practice. In 1978, Friedl Shihan established a dojo in Burlington, Vermont. He moved to Ashland, Oregon in 1979 and started a small aikido club. He returned to Ashland in 1986 and started a dojo at the Ashland YMCA in 1987. In July of 1994 Aikido of Ashland opened it’s doors to dojo members.

Friedl Shihan affiliated with Frank Doran Shihan in 1979 and has been a student of his since that time.

Registration Options

Denver Aikido Summit – March 9, 2019

Denver Aikikai is pleased to announce that the 19th Annual Denver Aikido Summit will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at the Denver Buddhist Temple. The lineup this year offers a unique blend of instructors, so please join us for an exceptional day of training!

  • Mike Jones Sensei – Roaring Fork Aikikai
  • Steve Shaw Sensei – Aikikai Tanshinjuku
  • Seiji Tanaka Sensei – Hyland Hills Tomiki Aikido
  • Abel Villacorta Sensei – Boulder Ki Aikido
  • Edgar Johansson Sensei – Denver Aikikai
  • Tres Hofmeister Sensei – Boulder Aikikai

Schedule: Saturday, March 9, 2019 – 8:30 am-5:30 pm

Cost: $80 through 2/22/19; $85 after; $90 at the door.
Pre-registration includes lunch and a T-shirt; preferences for entree options and shirt sizes not guaranteed for registrants after 2/22/19. Shirts and lunch not guaranteed for walk-in registrants.

The Denver Buddhist Temple is located at 1947 Lawrence (corner of 20th & Lawrence). Please bring your weapons.

Seminar with Cyndy Hayashi Shihan – Feb. 1-2, 2019

Denver Aikikai welcomes back 7th Dan Cyndy Hayashi Shihan from Aikido West. Join us for a weekend of lively training and yudansha tests. 

Cyndy Hayashi Shihan


Friday, February 1

6:30 – 8:30pm  Class

Saturday, December 2

10:30 – 12:30 pm  Class
Lunch (on your own)
2:30 – 3:30 pm Class
Yudansha tests

Registration for this event has closed.

Download the printable flyer.

Seminar with Michael Friedl Shihan – Oct. 26-28, 2018

Denver Aikikai is pleased to welcome Michael Friedl Shihan back to Denver on October 26-28, 2018. 

Michael Friedl Shihan (7th Dan) is founder and chief instructor of Aikido of Ashland. He is Division Head for Division 2 of the California Aikido Association. He is also a previous President of the California Aikido Association.

Friedl Shihan began his Aikido training in 1972 under Clyde Takeguchi Shihan. He became uchi deshi for Takeguchi Sensei from 1975-1977. He was also uchi deshi for Saito Shihan in Iwama, Japan from 1981-1983. In Iwama he studied weapons intensely and the Iwama style of weapons remains a strong influence in his practice. In 1978, Friedl Shihan established a dojo in Burlington, Vermont. He moved to Ashland, Oregon in 1979 and started a small aikido club. He returned to Ashland in 1986 and started a dojo at the Ashland YMCA in 1987. In July of 1994 Aikido of Ashland opened its doors to dojo members.

Friedl Shihan affiliated with Frank Doran Shihan in 1979 and has been a student of his since that time.

Seminar Information:

Friday, Oct. 26 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Saturday, Oct. 27 10:30 am -12:30 pm and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Download the printable flyer.

CSM Aikido Community Workshop – Sept. 16, 2018

The Colorado School of Mines Aikido Club

The CSM Aikido Community Workshop

Sunday,  September 16th, 2018 9:00am to 4:30pm

The Colorado School of Mines Aikido Club is proud to present a workshop for the front range area aikido schools and beyond.  The event features three great martial arts teachers from the area, Toby Threadgill, Tres Hofmeister, and Edgar Johansson, as well as a visiting instructor from Washington, DC, Nick Kiritz.  Come to have fun, improve your aikido skills, and meet people from other dojo. All levels are welcome.

The event will benefit Mines Without Borders (MWB), the Colorado School of Mines chapter of Engineers Without Borders, USA. MWB strives to improve the quality of life of those in marginalized communities through collaborative and sustainable community driven projects by enabling students to engage in these projects and learn about humanitarian engineering. All admission will be by donation to this cause, to be taken at the door.

More information about Mines Without Borders can be found at mineswithoutborders.wixsite.com/mineswithoutborders

Please pre-register here so we can make sure to have space for you. Save time by printing and filling out the liability waiver before you arrive.

Suggested minimum donation:

  • General: $50
  • Students: $25
  • Spectators are welcome; donation is optional but encouraged.

Ben Parker Student Center, Ballroom BC (2nd floor)
1200 16th Street Golden, CO 80401
Map available for download hereLot D is free on weekends and there is ample free parking elsewhere.

Schedule: Sunday, September 16th, 2018 9:00am to 4:30pm
–Please arrive early, as changing space may be limited.–
There will be a short break between each instructor, with a longer break for lunch in the middle.  There are many lunch options nearby, including at the student center next door and downtown Golden, just a few blocks away. 

9:00 am – Registration and Setup
9:30 am – Nick Kiritz
10:30 am – Water Break
10:45 am – Edgar Johansson
11:45 am – Lunch
1:45 pm – Tres Hoffmeister
2:45 pm – Water Break
3:00 pm – Toby Threadgill
4:00 pm – Cleanup

Questions: Please email David Ruttinger at aikido.csm@gmail.com

Click here to download the flyer for this event.

Special thanks to Denver Aikikai for hosting this page and their countless other forms of support for this event!

*Nick Kiritz Sensei will also be leading a mini-workshop at Denver Aikikai on September 14th from 6:30 to 8pm. The cost is $20; proceeds will go to offset Kiritz Sensei’s travel costs.

Weekend Seminar with Mutsuko Minegishi Sensei: July 13-14, 2018

Denver Aikikai


Mutsuko Minegishi Sensei

Johansson Sensei, Supporting

Mutsuko Minegishi Sensei (7th Dan) was promoted to 7th degree black belt at Aikikai Hombu Dojo on January 10, 2010. She trained under the second generation Kisshomaru Ueshiba Doshu, son of the Founder, and his grandson, current Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu, Koichi Tohei, the Founder of the Ki Society, and every highest ranking instructor at the Hombu Dojo. Her style is the mixture of all of these instructors and it accommodates the needs for the varieties of the students. She registered at the Aikikai Foundation in 1972, 45 years ago, and since then she has been continuously training and teaching. From the beginning of 1998, she decided to make Aikido as her lifetime profession. In 1999, Ms. Minegishi founded Guam Aikikai while she was the chief instructor of Saipan Aikikai and the advisor to the Korean Aikikai. She often travels to many countries to attend seminars and workshops as well as holding her own and has visited 41 countries.

When: July 13-14, 2018

Friday: 6:30-8:30
Saturday: 10:30-12:30 and 3:00-5:00

Cost: $50 at the door

Questions: call us at 720-570-3599 or email us at denveraikikai@comcast.net


Seminar with Dan Messisco Sensei: June 15-17, 2018

Dan Messisco Sensei returns to Denver Aikikai for another incredible workshop in June 2018. 

dan messisco sensei

Dan Messisco has been training in martial arts since 1964. His martial arts background includes extensive training in both Korea and Japan. He earned his Chodan in Tang Soo Do in Korea and studied under Hwang Kwan Jang Nim, son of Grand Master Hwang Kee. In Japan, his training includes time at Hombu dojo in Tokyo, Japan. Messisco Sensei studied under Mitsugi Saotome Shihan in Sarasota, Florida where he earned his Shodan (ASU). He also studied under Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan in Boulder, Colorado where he received his Nidan and Sandan rank (ASU). He received his Aikikai Yondan in Japan, Godan while studying in Pennsylvania, and Rokudan while in Michigan.

When: June 15-17, 2018
Friday June 15 – 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday June 16 – 10:30 am – 12:30 and 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Sunday June 17 – 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

Cost: $120 in advance or $150 at the door (if space available). Registration is limited to 30 participants.

Click here to download the printable flyer.

Friday Workshop with Kimberly Richardson – April 6, 2018

Denver Aikikai welcomes Kimberly Richardson Sensei (6th Dan, Two Cranes Aikido) for a special one-night workshop on April 6, 2018. 

This workshop will be held at Denver Aikikai (1592 S. Broadway) from 6:30-8:30 pm. Registration for this event is limited to 20 participants, so we encourage you to sign up early!

Update 3.16.18: 

Online registration for this event has closed! Please contact the dojo if you have any questions.

About Richardson Sensei

Kimberly began her Aikido training at Naropa Institute in 1978 and shortly after moved to Seattle to train with Mary Heiny Sensei. Determined athleticism, psychotherapy practices and energy awareness skills are key elements of her spirited teaching.

Kimberly has studied throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan, most notably with Anno Shihan, Saotome and Ikeda Shihan, and Dobson and Read Senseis. She acted as chief instructor for The Apple Computer Aikido School in Cupertino, CA in 1989 and at Seattle School of Aikido from 1991 to 1995. In the fall of 1995, Kimberly founded Two Cranes Aikido, where she teaches the philosophy and practice of Aikido to people of all ages. Kimberly Sensei was promoted to the rank of 6th Dan by Mary Heiny Sensei in 2007.