Denver Aikikai is so pleased to welcome back Michael Friedl Shihan for a winter seminar and dan testing. Everyone is welcome to join us Friday November 15 and Saturday November 16, 2024 for this event

Michael Friedl Shihan (7th Dan) is founder and chief instructor of Aikido of Ashland. He is Division Head for Division 2 of the California Aikido Association. He is also a previous President of the California Aikido Association.
Friedl Shihan began his Aikido training in 1972 under Clyde Takeguchi Shihan. He became uchi deshi for Takeguchi Sensei from 1975-1977. He was also uchi deshi for Saito Shihan in Iwama, Japan from 1981-1983. In Iwama he studied weapons intensely and the Iwama style of weapons remains a strong influence in his practice. In 1978, Friedl Shihan established a dojo in Burlington, Vermont. He moved to Ashland, Oregon in 1979 and started a small aikido club. He returned to Ashland in 1986 and started a dojo at the Ashland YMCA in 1987. In July of 1994 Aikido of Ashland opened its doors to dojo members.
Friedl Shihan affiliated with Frank Doran Shihan in 1979 and has been a student of his since that time.
Register here by first filling out the registration form and then scrolling down to the PayPal link to pay (or bring cash or check to the door):