Denver Aikikai proudly announces the return of one of our most popular events: Self Defense with Cyndy Hayashi shihan!

Cyndy Hayashi is a 7th degree black belt in Aikido. She has successfully defended herself in situations at work, home and in the street. This unique 3 hour workshop offers practical information in a light-hearted fun atmosphere. The class will be tailored to the wants and needs of participants but will explore principles of self defense, including how to stay calm and think clearly under duress, how to deter an attacker before they engage, and how to keep yourself safe while exiting dangerous situations. No prior experience with martial arts is necessary.
Ages 10+ welcome. Dress in loose comfortable clothing with socks. We will be working from standing and ground positions.
Location: Denver Aikikai 1592 S. Broadway
Date: Saturday, August 6 – 2pm-5pm